Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy mother's day

What's is mother's day. I got to the mall with Victoria yesterday and got my mom some Laura Secord chocolates. I had to make sure I didn't get anything I liked so I won't eat any if she offers.

Well, Phil's gone. Who knows when I'll see him next. I wish him the best in Calgary. Things won't be nearly as fun without him around.

I got my old computer back from him, and it was bogged down pretty badly. Some people just don't know how to handle computers. I treat mine like I would a child. Clean behind the ears once a week. Anyways, I put on a fresh install of Windows XP and I'm trying to install SP2 on it right now. It's taking damn well forever.

My plan is to replace my dad's computer and set up a user account for him, and one for me. it'll hopefully keep people from messing with his user settings, and I'll get a 19 inch monitor for playing games.

Speaking of games, I'm also trying to download the newest Ragnarok Online files, since the ones I have on my computer are oudated. However, downloading a 700 MB file isn't as easy as it sounds. It doesn't seem to want to be downloaded. Loading up computers is fun. You know once windows is updated, it's as clean as it possibly can be. No third party software anywhere.

I must have set a personal record for most times slept in past noon in the last two weeks. My sleep schedule is definitely screwed up royally at the moment.

There was something I was supposed to do, but I forget what it was...meh.

Listening to... Hoobastank - Remeber Me
Link of the moment... I've got some Silver City gift certificates to use up. Too bad there's nothing good out.


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