Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Existence is Futile

Argh, I thought things were starting to pick up for me.

The Bad news:
I've given up on my CS245 assignment. If I did the first question correctly, then I should get just over 50% on the assignment. The examples that we do in class are trivial; I can do those without any help at all. The questions on the assignment, however, are very difficult, and I'm not entirely sure that I can do them with what they've taught us in class.

CO330 is even worse. I have no idea where to start on any of the questions, just like the first assignment in that class. I plan on abusing the TAs during the office hour, but I did that last time and still failed the assignment. This looks like another failure, people. I can only hope that the next quiz, and the entire exam are incredibly easy, or that I have an epiphany about generating functions.

The Good news:
I didn’t see Stephanie (hereby: Steffi) at the ice cream thing, and I thought I missed my window of opportunity with her by not going to CO355 this morning. When I got home, however, Christian told me that a friend of his that I met at the party wanted my contact info. Giggling like a schoolgirl, I jotted down my email, and I just got a message from her now. Unfortunately, it’s mostly math talk; she wanted to know if I recommended any courses for the upcoming term. Most of the stuff she’s taking is out of my grasp, but we might have a class in common (Linear Optimization). I suppose it's a good start regardless.

This weekend, I hope to see Wallace and Gromit, but with whom I am not sure. My three main options are Tunde, Steffi, and just a general group of friends. If things don’t pan out with Steffi by Friday, then I’ll stop by and surprise Tunde on Friday night.

Listening to... Thee Goblins – Good Jacket Theme
Link of the moment... Perhaps I’m getting into more than I can handle?


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