Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Monday, September 04, 2006

Don't trust the blind

So it turns out that the blind guy that I was renting a parking space off of is an effing dickhead. He phoned yesterday (the third of September) complaining about how we agreed that I'd pay him by the first of each month. I told him it slipped my mind and I could pay him when I get back in town, or even get one of my roommates to run it over to him, and he told me he didn't want me parking my car there anymore, even phoning my roommates to move it ASAP. I know it's not about the money...I think he's just using me in some fucked up experiment to show that kids these days are unreliable.

For the moment, my car is parked on the street (thanks to Hugh) and thus susceptible to getting some pretty nasty tickets. Once I get back, I'm going to get a parking pass for the Fall term. I just hope I can get one...this late in the year, spots can be sparse. Since it will then be a twenty minute walk to my car, I'll probably not use it unless it's worth my while. I'll just convince John to take us to Sobeys once a week, and I don't really need my car for anything else. Until the weather gets nasty, I can bike to campus. It'll just be more of a pain when I want to visit someone else, say Sonja.

So guess who has a boyfriend? EVERYONE. Not just that, I feel like I'm the only single person left. Except for Andrew and Nicole, so I predict they're going to hook up, leaving me alone. I swear, too many of my friends are in serious relationships now.

I had a BBQ the other day. The amounts worked out pretty well, though chicken was in pretty high demand, so I had to cook a few from frozen. I had a pretty good turnout...just about everyone I invited at some point or another. It's good to see them all. I feel like if I don't have events like that, I won't see most of my friends. It's rare that they hold things like that, so it's usually me doing the planning and inviting.

I rented Hitman: Blood Money. It's a pretty good game, though I find it difficult to control with a PS2 controller, and it's really hard to figure out where to go next (at least, on the level I'm on). I went to go buy Guitar Hero as well, but both EBGames were sold out and not getting any copies for a few weeks due to changing distributors, and FutureShop was sold out with none cmoing in soon. Guitar Hero 2 comes out in November, but then again so does the Wii. My current collection plus the Paper Mario I plan to buy will easily tide me over until I'm able to buy a Wii. I'm not sure when that will be; something tells me that the K-W region isn't one of the best places to try to get a Wii at launch without a reservation (though I cuold just reseve one now...).

Well I guess I'm sort of looking forward to getting back to Waterloo...I really want to get this parking thing settled ASAP. On top of that, there's not much for me to do around here, and I'm more comfortable in my own kitchen.

Other than all this, I don't think there's much to report on.

Listening to... Carpe Diem Baby - Metallica
Link of the moment... All hail Robot Chicken, my new master

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