Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Sunday, June 27, 2004

All work and more play makes Kevin a something something....

Please tell me that it's Friday night. I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow morning. How do normal people do it?

I don't have any short term purchases that I want to save my work money for, so I guess I'll start saving up for a car or apartment when I'm done university. Mind you, I will have to splurge on the occasional video game or DVD. I know that between July 9th and 18th, I'm gonna spend at least a hundred or so dollars on new clothes. That's when the sidewalk sale is on. Considering the fact that I have to struggle to button up the pants I'm wearing right now, I think I should invest in some more 32's.

I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy today. No matter how much I level up, it's STILL damned hard. That game will be so fun to play on easy mode, when I finish it first on normal.

I downloaded RPG Maker 2003. I have used both RPGM95 and RPGM2k3, and each version adds so much more to the one before it. Overall, though, there's still lots of room for improvement, but I'm not about to prgram a game using that platform anyways, so it's of no real concern to me.

Whenever I play RPG's, I always find at least a few ways to improve the ability systems. The more I think about it, the less it makes sense that I enjoy playing RPGs. Really, how fun is it to just click on words in menus, and then watch little sprites swing swords in the air to watch what number will pop up next to the enemy. But, I still derive some pleasure from it all, so I'll keep playing.

I've been thinking about how I would structure my dream RPG if I did have the time, imagination, commitment, and fan base to make one. I've got a few good ideas so far, if I do say so myself. Maybe one day, I'll be able to put it all to good use, and maybe even I'll wind up doing it in a professional sense...a degree in computer science could easily lead to game design.

Listening to... Iron Maiden - The Evil That Men Do
Link of the moment... I have trouble finding good links


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