Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Eh, why not?

Sure, let's make four posts in 24 hours. Lots for you stragglers to read.

I came back from a part time job fair just now. It was nigh useless, the jobs I'm looking for are only hiring for next term, and the work study program (huge collection of jobs) needs for me to be offered OSAP, and I didn't apply for this year (not did I need to). Well, it looks like I'll have lots of free time this term, with not quite as much free money (oxymoron?).

I went to the mall with Monika and John this morning too. I loaded up on snacks and makeshift meals. I got a Cinnabon, but it kinda made me sick. Note to self: take the highway next time. I still want to get some DDR dance pads, but not at the price I saw at EB. Superstore definately had them for $20 each.

So, the other day (Sunday), I went to the first two hour swing dance lesson. They had a partner rotation thing, so I got to meet a lot of people (girls nonetheless). The last girl I wound up dancing with, at the end of the class, was pretty cute. All I remember is her name starts with K and she's in first year pre-op. We made a pretty good dance couple (if I may say so myself), and it felt like the whole time we were dancing, we kept looking at each otherand just kinda smiled. The whole time, she tried to keep this real intense eye contact with me too, which is perfect for dancing, but it's awkward when you're with someone you don't know. Still, the way she looked at me just made me feel good, as though I was that "older boy" crush. I hope I see her next week.

I'm still looking for a decent program to rip DVDs. I've still got to use up my $2 off coupon for September at Blockbuster. Jeez, so that's how they get you. They gave me the rewards membership free, and now I'm committed to go at least once a month. And, while I'm there, I'll probably pick up a new release movie. Good for them.

i,Robot was a great movie. Well, at least I thoroughly enjoyed it, I don't know if my opnion decides a movie's greatness.

I'm sure I had another topic to discuss, but it's getting too close to CS to try to ramble on until I remember. CS is soooooo draining.

Listening to... Eyelid - Invention of Hope
Link of the moment... Hey, I think the Rots are playing with the Casualties sometime this week. Well, they were, but Kyle's gone now, so I'm not sure.


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