Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Three in 24 hours

I'm a blogging maniac today.

I don't think I've ever mentioned Monika on here. She lives here, at Resurrection, and she's the girl who John thinks wants in my pants. I concur. I'm living by the golden rule this year, don't fuck the floor. I see now that dating people in residence, or floorcest, is not a good thing after all is said and done.

I admit, I initially (and presently) felt some attraction to her. She's got a cuteness to her (she's Indian), and she laughs at all my jokes (a trait rare in the human race). As of late though (and I must phrase this politely, as she may be amongst my readers one day), she can tend to be an irritant in larger doses. We both enjoy each other's company, but the harder we try to get along and have a nice decent talk, the more we tend to say things that irritate one another.

She has a tendency to talk, but not listen. Either she'll cut me off completely when I start talking betwixt her sentences, or I'll say something to redirect the topic at hand, and she'll keep talking about herself as though I'd said nothing. She also says I take things too seriously, and that I pick apart everything she says (just so the complaining isn't one sided in this post).

Well, we'll continue to try to not irritate each other and realize that our unattraction beats out our baser instincts...besides, there's always the cute girl from the swing dance club...oh man, that's an entire post in itself, we'll see how my schedule is tomorrow for blogging.

Listening to... Queens of the Stone Age - Give the Mule What He Wants
Link of the moment... Weakerthans in Guelph on the 3rd


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