Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Eh, why not.

It's been over a week since my last post. Maybe I'm slipping? Maybe I have nothing to talk about? Maybe I play too many video games when I'd normally be sitting on the computer? Who knows. Probably some combination of the above.

Poker last Wednesday was great. Just awesome. I won my first hand in three weeks, and even a few more after that. I made off with +$20 that night, but I've still got a long way to go if I'm going to get out of the hole.

I guess I'm a little disappointed with how I haven't been exercising like I planned to over the summer. I guess my apathy levels are critical lately. I'm skeptical that I'll meet anyone for whom I will feel obliged to look good. I almost ended a sentence in a preposition (who I'll feel obliged to look good for). That's bad. That was one of my most common grammatical errors.

Well Adam came in for a few days. Now I've finally got Final Fantasy X-2 and Ratchet and Clank. Playing FFX-2 has only proceeded to make me want to play FFX again. I love the graphics, the characters are likable, the story is decent, and the battle system is one of the best ones I've ever played. I still wish the sphere grid was a little more customizable...I have ideas that I think would make the game so much more almost makes me want to make my own game. I have ideas for FFX-2 that would make the job system better too, but unfortunately, I've got to play the game as it sits in front of me.

There was another viscious thunderstorm this morning. That's the fourth one in the last two weeks. It's cutting back on my sleep. At least it makes the rest of the day a bit less hot.

Well, I moved about 100 computers in a day and a half over at Ignatius. They're taking asbestos out of the 500 wing, and unfortunately there are four computer labs in that wing alone. Taking them out wasn't that bad, but putting them back in during the first week of August will be very tiring. For this month, it looks like I'll be imaging the elementary schools, which will be quite easy. No heavy lifting, just carrying around a few hard drives.

It looks like I'll be going to see Star Wars Episode 3 this Tuesday. I watched Ep1 last night, and really enjoyed it. I was going to rent and watch Ep 2 today, but they had no copies at Video Network. I might have to go to Rogers and pay more than a dollar to see it.

Let's once again go through my backlog of video games that I want to play:
Ratchet and Clank
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Growlanser 2
Growlanser 3
Diablo 2
Shining Tears

On a final note, I highly recommend you listen to Hocus Pocus by Focus. It's by a Dutch band in the 70's. It's very odd, but I love the drums, bass guitar, and yodelling.

Listening to... Focus - Hocus Pocus
Link of the moment... Great Canadian gaming webcomic


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