Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Home court advantage?

I think everytime I have a poker game at my house, I wind up winning. I had Chris, Adam Michalak, and Ryan Latimer over last night for a tournament style game, and I took it. Two big hands happened when both Adam and I hit a flush, and Chris had trips. The pot got up to about 500 dollars on that hand, and we all started with 500. My flush was nine high, and I wasn't sure if that was high enough, but luckily Adam's was only five high.

Another great hand happened shortly after it got down to just Chris and I. He only had about a hundred more than me, and I pushed all in with pocket nines on a flop with a nine high. After that, he doubled up on me twice, and then it took at least a half hour before I got anything worth pushing all in for, and it won the hand.

Holly came over too, she was over until about 2. Oddly enough, we were watching porn. Not only does she not mind it, but she loves making fun of everything. She was borrowing her cousin's Gameboy Advance, and I played a race in Mario Kart. Again, I'm deeply considering buying one, but I've got better reasoning for it now. I won't buy it for work, but rather for school. I have a few breaks between classes that aren't long enough to walk home for. I like to tell myself that I'll be finishing all my homework in that time, but I tend to say stuff like that and then neglect it. Sitting down in the SLC or the math comfy lounge and playing a handheld RPG might be a really nice break between classes to freshen me up.

Poker last Wednesday was terrible. I lost forty bucks, the most I've lost in one night. No matter how many times I tell myself not to make the same stupid mistakes, I keep doing it.

I kind of want to get a sidebag...kinda like a purse, but manlier. Think 'laptop case'. It would be a nice accessory if I do get a GBA. Good for carrying around a wallet, cell phone, GBA, keys, pen and paper, and any other tidbits one might accumulate on a trip through the town. If I didn't have a car in Waterloo, I'd get it for sure, since going back for something you didn't think you'd need is a luxury you really can't afford. On the other hand though, I'm not sure if I would actually carry it everywhere. I'd probably just take the wallet and keys out if I'm going somewhere for a short visit, and that defeats the whole purpose of having it. Hopefully I'll get to the mall and see what's on the market these days. Haha, or maybe I should just buy a laptop so I can have a laptop case to carry around.

Listening to... Rob Zombie - Scum of the Earth (Internet Radio on winamp 5)
Link of the moment... This is nice, but I'd still rather have the GBA SP: bigger screen and it's not exposed for scratches.


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