Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Monday, September 27, 2004

Just before my nap

Yup, I saw Kristen again at the dance class yesterday. The partner rotation was a lot faster this time around. It's a good thing because I got to dance with her again, but a bad thing cause it was only for about a minute (which seemed like only a mere moment). She and I made some small chitchat about dancing, and how she'd like to try latin or ballroom dancing. I really wish I had a means of contacting her, because there are other dance classes on campus, some requiring you to bring a partner (and most latin dances are quite romantic in nature).

I'm kicking myself for not making at least some sort of gesture of interest. I've committed myself to dancing during the free dance time next week. The scary thing is that I'm already thinking of her a lot. I still don't know what that says about me. Stalker? Hopeless romantic? Obsessive compulsive? Lonely? Inferiority complex? Who knows.

It looks like I'm stuck in Music 270, so my average is going to have to take a hit this term. Of course, I could just treat it like an actual course and study the book, but no thanks, that's not for me.

There's no way I'm going to get all my work done by Wednesday. I have a CS assignment, algebra assignment, and a statistics quiz. Originally I was going to not even study for the quiz, but then I realized that each one is worth 10% of my mark, and is half the length of a midterm. The CS is looking dismal though. It's kinda funny that I hate going to CS134, and I hate the assignments, and yet I'm majoring in it all. Well, not funny. More like depressing.

Well, I only got about five hours of sleep last night, so I'm going to take a damned long nap, thereby giving me less time to work on all my shit that's due.

I'm certain I'll lose weight if I stick to cafeteria food. It's terrible and I always go to bed hungry. But, if supper sucks, I'm getting some fast food, and I'll certainly gain weight and lose money.

Listening to... Pitchshifter - 2nd Hand
Link of the moment... Maybe next term I'll have a dance partner for some of this


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