Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Cabin fever ad infinitum

I've been pretty antsy in my room the last two nights. Of course, for the last two nights I've been wracking my brain trying to get ANYWHERE on my combinatorics assignment. I've only done the easier half of the questions, and I've done about five full pages of work for on question, but STILL can't get anywhere close to the answer.

Sadly, that's most of what's new in the last three days. I've played more FFT (got my ass handed to me by Velius a few times), ate some generic meals, and slept. I can't decide if sleeping is better than doing stuff. I figure that if I go to bed at a decent hour and get a good night's sleep, I'm still very tired and unattentive in class the next day, so I might as well stay up late and do stuff and be even more tired and unattentive the next day. Naps are awesome though...I have one every Tuesday and Thursday between lunch and stats. An hour and a half is never enough though.

This weekend should be action packed. I'm likely going to rent a movie or game on Friday since I have a $2 off coupon at Blockbuster. From 2-4 PM Saturday I'll be looking at UWP and CLV to see if they meet my housing accomodations. Saturday night holds karaoke in store for our stalwart hero. Of course White Wedding by Billy Idol is on the list, but since there's only gonna be a handful of us there, I should have more songs in mind. On Sunday, Unky Vern's hockey team (Windsor Lancers) are playing the Warriors in the afternoon, so I intend to catch a game to get out and about. Action packed, eh?

For the time being...I don't know. Oh shit, I have to finish my M239 assignment, and that could take me anywhere form an hour to 18 weeks. I should be reading notes and trying to understand stuff (for all my courses), cause I really have no idea what's going on in any of my classes. I'm hoping my natural ability to cram and pull stuff out of my ass will get me through the next three months.

Well, time for supper and then possibly another nap.

Listening to... Thrice - The Beltsville Crucible
Link of the moment... Ernest is the fuckin MAN, knowhutimean?


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