Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Back to school, back to semi-regular posts

I feel tired. I've been sitting in front of the computer too much I guess.

I had my first day of classes today. Let's elaborate:
CS 251 - pretty lousy prof, seems like a rather difficult course.
CS 241 - awesome prof, seems like a rather difficult course.
STAT 231 - mediocre prof, seems like a rather boring course. I need to find two people as lab partners.

When I got on the plane the other day, it was -32. When I got off in Toronto, it was about 0. What a difference. It's been very tame compared to Thunder Bay weather lately, but I'll be slapping on the neck warmer soon enough.

I've been reworking Final Fantasy Tactics quite heavily, putting in a lot of customized codes. So far I've done the following:
Made monster enemies much harder, and more customized
Given Crossbows a much longer range
Made magic abilities much better.
Gave all generic humans Gained EXP-UP and Gained JP-up

I've still gotta find a way to make Long Bows much longer ranged, and I also want to rework all the statistical growth and multipliers of generic jobs. It would also be really nice to get rid of the Archer's hideous Charge ability. It's only good for maybe three abilities, and I have no qualms about replacing those. I just wish I had some good abilities to give him, but all the ones left over don't make sense on an archer. I might just wind up giving him monster skills, but like I said, lots of those just don't make sense on an archer.

I love talking about things no one else cares about.

I honestly forget how to make friends. Back in the day, you'd have assigned seating plans, and things in class where you learn about other people...nowadays I've got nothing. Maybe I should just walk up to people and say "hey, wanna be my friend?". They'd be on a probationary period at first, of course.

Listening to... AFI - Dream of Waking
Link of the moment... Final Fantasy Tactics Battle Mechanics Guide


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