Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Sunday, January 09, 2005

cd kevin/thoughts/

UNIX scares me. I think I've got the basics down, but I'd really like to be as adept with it as the CS nerds on the newsgroup that post in some sort of jargon that I couldn't even begin to comprehend. Damn them.

No girlfriend yet, but I'll keep looking.

Yesterday afternoon, James Corey and I went to the Princess Cinema to see "Findng Neverland". I'm not afraid to admit that it was very emotional and I got quite choked up towards the end. Wait, yes I am afraid to say that. I took it like a man and LAUGHED when one of the main characters died.

I think at one point, I had ~800 codes for FFT. I've since condensed them and did a line count to find out that I now have 500 codes. Sad, ne?

I've been having some messed up dreams. Again, I think last night was due to McDonald's ice cream. I swear they put drugs in the stuff. Last night's dreams included: waltzing with Kara Polson in the mall, playing poker using coins and cd cases in place of cards, attempting to sleep in the living room while my sister was having a party, and playing a party game where you dress like ninjas and tag people, and when you tag them they must wear a correspondingly coloured baseball cap.

A few nights ago, I had a dream that I was back together with Agnes, but it's just a dream so there's no need to elaborate. In other news, I need psychiatry or a new girlfriend.

I've been waking up at noon lately, which isn't all too good. Similarly, I've been staying up until 2 AM. That's what Christmas break does to a person I guess. Luckily, I get to sleep in tomorrow I love this new schedule. Monday and Friday just sort of ease me in and out of the weekend.

It's official; I've booked my flights to go home for reading 'week'. And damned cheap too, compared to regular fares I've seen. I should be home between Feb 23rd and 28th. I don't know what I plan to accomplish in that time, but there's no need to worry about that now.

I sold all five of my books at the used book store. I guess I'll be getting a cheque for $250-$295 in early February. Yay for me.

I guess I'll have a shower now. I hate showers. They're such a burden out of the regular flow of the day. You're cold when you step in, and you're freezing when you step out. If only there were a way to avoid showers without people getting suspicious...

Listening to... Kittie - Get Off (You Can Eat a Dick)
Link of the moment... Go ahead, learn UNIX. I dare you.


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