Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Monday, December 27, 2004

Home post

Sure, I'll make a post, why not. I'll blame my being home for not having any since the 18th, but I'll cave and rant a bit now.

Pretty good Xmas, it's the first time I've gotten video games for a gift. I got Burnout 3 and Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, and I've played both a lot since the 25th. LotR is ok, and it is particularly similar to Final Fantasy X, but FFX just seemed so much more fluid. The battles were quick and you could get by without much healing. Navigating menus is sluggish too compared the FFX, but perhaps I should stop comparing apples with slightly different apples.

I've seen Vicky in the last week as much as I have in the three months before it. I don't know if she's avoiding me for any sadistic reason, but it sure seems like she's not trying very hard to upkeep her portion of the friendship. Yes, she might have been busy with exams, yes she might have a lot of shifts at work, and yes she might be busy with family Christmas parties, but would it be so hard to tell me so? Well...regardless, it doesn't look like she'll be getting back her Buffy season two, and I won't be watching the Star Wars series with her. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: hope and expectations are the first step towards disappoinment.

My dad just took off for Florida with the van, so it's me and the ladies sharing the Sante Fe for the next week. Luckily I think some of my friends have some favours to pay back, so I'll be making them my bitches while I'm here. I don't know how that man can drive to Florida so often...hasn't he heard of planes?

I got four of my five marks in. I was pleasantly suprised:
Calculus - 74
Computer Science - 92
Music - 91
Statistics - 95

That means if I get an 83 in algebra, I'm on the dean's list again. I'm realy only concerned with my combined yearly average being over 80, since next term is gonna be a tough one.

Listening to... Nothing at the moment
Link of the moment... For lack of a better link


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