Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Friday, December 10, 2004

How did I survive high school?

Let's do some math, shall we?

High School: 5 days a week, ~9AM - 3PM: 30 hours a week (excluding lunch and spare periods)

University: Sporadic days, Approx 22 hours a week

I did eight hours more work in high school, but University is so much more of a burden. I guess it can be explained by the fact that most of your work could be finished in class in HS, and all of the material was much easier.

I did particularly well on my Stat 230 exam, but I'm trying really, really hard to not get my hopes up. I've made my goal of getting 80%, of that I'm rather certain, so I should be just as excited to get 81% as I would be to get 100%. For anyone who just took the course, I'd say my test score should follow a normal with mean 88 and variance 25. More importantly, I'm one exam closer to my nice vacation.

I'm a little worried to go home, for one reason specifically. I won't go into much detail, I'll leave it laid in an analogy for you to figure out. Let's say that since I've gotten here in September (hell, since last April even), I've been damned hungry. But I'm a picky eater, and there's not much food down here that suits my tastes. Now, when I get home I'll be hanging around with quite a delicious dish, but alas! It cannot be eaten. It's...I dunno, still not ready I guess? Still in the oven. But the mere thought of partaking in its delicacy makes my mouth water, and if I've gotta sit around right next to the oven for three weeks without a single taste, I may go MAD I tell ya. Well, maybe I can look for new restaurants next term and find some better food.

Shit, I'm hungry now. I'm gonna go get lunch.

Listening to... Gob - Paint it Black
Link of the moment... I spend a lot of time reading the message boards for different games


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