Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Monday, December 06, 2004

Best entrepreneurial idea yet!

Before you read this, you have to promise not to steal my idea, ok? Promise? Cross your heart and hope to get raped by a pack of savage beast-men? Ok, then listen up...

Picture this: you're with a group of adolescents, and are just driving around, or sitting in a basement (sound familiar? picture my basement every weekend). Invariably, the question "what do you wanna do?" arises. Often the only real option is "I unno, watch tv?" or "I unno, rent a movie?".

Sure it would be nice to play a board game, or go ice skating, or some other once-in-a-while activity, but often these activites require relatively expensive equipment that will only be used sparingly. For instance, I want to go ice-skating when I go home this winter, but I don't want to invest $50+ on a set of skates that I'll use maybe twice this season.

But...what if I could rent them? They do that at larger indoor arenas, but if I want to go pond skating, I'd better hope for the sake of my wallet that I can find someone of similar shoe size to borrow from. Or what about board games? Again, I'm not gonna shell out $70 for a new edition of a game to play once with my friends.

Hence, the idea of the Weekend Shop came to me. A store that rents general entertainment equipment for days at a time. Board games, sports equipment, seasonal activity equipment, video game systems and accessories, and whatever else I can come up with. If video rental places can do so well, I don't see why this wouldn't as well.

Some of the problems that others have pointed out:
Large startup costs
Massive rent costs
Damaged or lost equipment (game pieces, sticky boards, stinky skates, etc.)
Loss of business due to people buying their own stuff
Me not living ine one city long enough to start it up

Listening to... Bombshell Rocks - On the Warpath
Link of the moment... Clay institute will give you a million dollars if you solve one of these mathematical problems


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