Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

1. My watch
2. Final Fantasy Tactics
3. I'm a zombie
4. Prospector dinner
5. CS134 exam

1. My watch
I found out my watch has a crack in the glass on the face. I'm not sure if that makes me happy or sad. On the one hand, it gives me a reason to finally get rid of something that reminds me that my life is past its peak. It may be the most frequent reminder of the girl that once loved me, right up there with the pictures of us I still have sitting in my room at home...I don't know if I should do something about those either.

Either way, I picked this watch out and I can only hope I find one as appealing to me as it is. I like the design of it, and the colour of the backing.

2. Final Fantasy Tactics
You may want to avoid this paragraph (or few) since most of you are disinterested in FFT. Regardless, I put FFTA aside because the cycle has once again started, and I'm playing FFT again. I found an emulator, so I can play it at a faster speed than I used to, which will undoubtedly save hours of my life.

The guys at the GameFAQs FFT board made some major breakthroughs with hacking FFT with a Gameshark. Now, if I put enough time and effort into it, I could manipulate the game in *pretty well* any way I want. Change abilities, change classes, statistics, items, monsters, etc. It's buggy to some degree, but it opens up a lot of doors to things I just plain don't like, or I've always thought would be better.

I've started up two games I had going before: Knights and Priests, and Geomancers and Time Mages. I could play this game a thousand times and it would be just as great every time.

3. I'm a zombie
I haven't been well lately. I can't sleep at nights, I just sit with my eyes open for a while. I've been going to bed at around 2-3 lately, that's probably not good. During the days I'm just in a complete stupor. Never fully awake, but when I try to nap I just can't fall asleep. Whatever, I guess it's not that bad right now, I can still study decently, so it's not getting in the way.

4. Prospector Dinner
This year, I think that the circle of us are gonna go out for supper instead of buying gifts. It's too hectic to buy so much crap all at once. I just hope that people haven't bought anything yet. I've had no contact with Vicky or Phil in the last while. In fact, I'm gonna call Vic right now. (phones) No answer. Probably has her phone off. Oh well, I doubt she was gonna buy me anything anyways.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna have people over for a sober new year's again. Board games can be very fun.

5. CS 134 exam
I did my Computer Science 134 exam with about 30 minutes of studying. I still think I aced it. I'll tell you, that exam was 12 ounces of recursion in an 8 ounce bottle. I've just got algebra and calculus left, but those are the two that are gonna require me to study an average of more than thirty minutes, perhaps more along the lines of 12 hours each. That should be enough. I think I know enough to pass right now, but my $1000 scholarship says I can do better.

Listening to... Metallica - No Remorse (they all sound the same to me)
Link of the moment... Final Fantazy Tactics discussion board.


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