Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Monday, April 03, 2006

Carpe Diem, baby

April fools. I was gonna make a non-joke post that day, but blogger was acting up.

Let's see, what have I done lately? I watched a good number of movies over at Sonja's. Nothing too extraordinary to speak of. We also got together for a games night. We played two games of Catan and a game of Rook, and Andrew won all three. That kid had the winning streak of his life that night.

I've been taking a nice long vacation since Wednesday (the last day of classes). It's been quite relaxing, and I'm not looking forward to get back to studying all the course material.

I'm really at a loss for words. I have nothing interesting (and non-private) to talk about. I went shopping, but you don't care to read about that. I cleaned the house, but again, uninteresting.

Let's talk philosophy. Where does one draw the line between living for today, and looking out for the future? Is it better to give in to temporary temptations rather than avoid future repercussions? Certainly neither extreme is that desirable; I could spend everything I have today and live the rest of my days in poverty, or I could die sitting on more money than I can count.

I'm not talking just financially either. Is it better to give in to physical temptations with the first person who is willing, or do you wait for that theoretical "soul-mate"?


Listening to... In Flames - System
Link of the moment... Online settlers, my new addiction


  • I intend to live until I'm 107 (which is a mear 70 years from now). I live life like I have exactly that much time left and spend accordingly.

    Yes, give in to physical temptations if you want. No one's keeping score. Soul-mate is just a made-up notion as is free will and choice. We are walking chemical factories driven by the laws of thermodynamics.

    When the universe started at the Big Bang, the molecules were all set in motion following strict rules that are never broken. Everything that has happened since was inevitable and theoretically predictable.

    Fortunately, prediction of what will actually happen is so complicated that it becomes impossible to know. Which makes the fact that eveything is inevitable essentially irrelavant. So, we can feel perfectly happy to continue to believe in things like free will, choice, soul-mates and even a Euchre Strategy that will improve the results of a game.

    By Blogger Perry, at 4/04/2006 2:20 PM  

  • Quantum physics has more or less shown that things since the big bang AREN'T wholely predictable... but then, that's just a theory too :)

    But if it is true, then things you do are your doings alone. The big bang DIDN'T make you do it... you did.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/04/2006 4:44 PM  

  • Quantum physics just demonstrates the limits of our knowledge. Things aren't predictable because we don't know all the rules that they follow. Theoretically, if we knew all the rules that "stuff" follows then we COULD know the results of all past, present and future interactions.

    But no matter. Even if the Big Bang did make you do it, things would never turn out any different than they do.

    By Blogger Perry, at 4/04/2006 5:41 PM  

  • still, if you want to follow a notion of 'soul-mate' then you better make sure that its well defined otherwise second guessing whether you 'made the right choice' will ultimately leave you ... well

    so, if you want to wait for a 'soul-mate' then go ahead, just make sure it is what you want and not to follow some silly social notion...perhaps even then your definition of a soulmate could change...i mean i for one am not really sure how you would define a soul mate in a tangible concrete manner, hence looking for one or judging whether someone is a 'soul mate' is rather difficult - which in the end if left to 'gut feeling' doesn't sound too reliable

    but thats all just my opinion

    or perhaps this is all a tired soul's random ranting

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/05/2006 3:48 AM  

  • I say "soul mate" half sarcastically. I'm having a very difficult time trying to describe what I mean. Let me *very briefly and generally* explain.

    Given two girls, otherwise the same, I'm more likely to date the one that has not been promiscuous in the past. Given two girls, otherwise the same, I'm more likely to date the one that appreciates the fact that I've not been promiscious in the past.

    Hence, by not being promiscuous now, I may seem better to some girl in the future who in turn will seem better to me.

    *Very briefly and generally*, mind you.

    By Blogger Kevin, at 4/05/2006 1:29 PM  

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