Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sleep is for the weak! Or the smart...

Well, just a post before bed, but I've got to be asleep by 11.

I bought the first two seasons of Family Guy and the first season of King of the Hill for a piddly $50. Vicky and I watched those for most of the night, and I attacked her with a hug. She responded by running away which in turn wound up with her being choked (by a direct result of her own actions!).

I also found Bushido Blade, a rather rare gem, at Cash Converters. It would have been nice to pick up Bushido Blade 2, but this is more than I was expecting.

I figure I'll wait until I need to waste money in Waterloo to buy more boxsets, specifically the Simpsons seasons. I think when I'm ready to buy those, I'll get a second hard drive and back everything up to it.

Now, some choice quotes from previous conversations before I try to find some more juice upstairs, where I'm sure there is none.

G: Hmm....domineering woman into star wars....could be interesting
Vic: not the new ones!!
G: anything star wars is good enough for me....I can't afford to be picky

G: why was Kevin on a women's health website?
Kev: I'm concerned about my breasts

Vic: shes doing leg lifts
G: oooh....
Laura: and G's imagination starts to go nuts

Kev: everyone, this is Laura
Kev: she's a recovering Kev-aholic
Laura: recovered would be more accurate

Laura: yeah its true ... i had to protect him when the lights were broken
G: Laura wears the pants
Vic: so does every girl who hangs out with kevin

G: Holly...I'm conducting a survey...the only question is...What are you wearing?
Holl: i am wearing a white t-shirt that has the new dodge written on it, black and red shoes
Holl: do you want to know underclothes as well?
G: no it's ok...
G: I panicked...I think that's the furthest I've ever gotten with a chick

Listening to... Queens of the Stone Age - Gonna Leave You
Link of the moment... They're local, I might as well support them!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Kevin's bad day

Yeah, I know that everyone else has had worse days than this, but it's still a pretty hefty of bad coincidences worth talking about.

I didn't sleep well at all last night, cause I tried sleeping with a fan on next to me. No more of that.

I woke up and went to the board office to deliver my already late time sheet, but lo and behold, no one is actually at work at 8:40 except for me. I went to St. Pat's and found the doors locked, which is a rare occasion (last time I had to climb under a fence). After realizing I was too lazy to crawl under fences, and that both my bosses are away on vacation, I went and got a muffin. The doors were unlocked when I got back.

After being unable to find a list of things to do at St Pat's, I read a Reader's Digest and decided to take a very early, very long lunch break at 10:30 (admittedly, aside from the locked doors, it's not too bad a day at all yet).

When I got home, I figured I'd try to justify it by making some phone calls that needed to be made during the day. First on the agenda was trying to get into ECON 201, so I phoned the registrar's office. They said I have to get the prof to sign the sheet, which means I won't be able to do so until I'm back in Waterloo.

As for my $90 wasted on the spiderman boxset, I checked out the Visa website, which told me to contact Royal Bank. I phoned Royal Bank customer service who promptly connected me with Visa customer service(...). They told me to take it up with eBay, so I checked out their site who says my credit card company is able to reimburse me. So, I phoned Visa again, and after waiting on hold for about five minutes, they said the payment was past their 30 day period of which they could guaruntee my money back. Out of frustration, I emailed the guy who sold me the boxset, and he says he'll give me back my money (although I don't believe it).

I switched minidiscs and headed over to Saint Ignatius. After realizing I'd forgotten my keys at home, I worked on as much as I could with the unlocked rooms, and decided to surf the net, which was not working at the time. After searching for non existent solitaire, I listed to my minidisc, which, to my surprise, was blank. So I just sat in a comfy chair for about two hours, in which I made $18 (minus about $14 in taxes).

Enough post for today.

Listening to... Sick of it All - Force My Hand
Link of the moment... Goddam I want my own, expensive home theatre system

Sunday, July 25, 2004

What a night

So I guess I'll go on to describe yesterday.

I went golfing with my dad, my uncle Frank, and Grant. I played about as terribly as I could have, I shot a 133, whereas Grant had the best game of his life and shot an 87.

After golf, Grant and I rented Twisted Metal: Black and Sould Calibur 2 at Blockbsuter, and he kicked my ass at SC2. We visited his hubby at the golf dome and got a free game of miniputt. He raped me at that too (jeez, that's the third time in one day), resulting in my calling off his Ron's debt. We played aroundin the pro shop with the belly putters, and THEN I started to putt nearly perfect, when we weren't keeping score.

I, being the wonderful person that I am, agreed to give Turner, Gen, and Deanna a ride to Roxy's (which I always call Moxie's). Chanel came over after work, and the plan was for me to drop off the kids while they see if Victoria was just getting off work (although they seemingly did not get there in time) at which point we'd all meet at Seattle. I thought I was clear when I told them Arthur street, but they wound up at Memorial.

While I was waiting in Seattle, the girl working there offered me some free coffee, and a few girls sitting at the table outside started waving and blowing me kisses (no joke!), but they didn't look much older than 16 or 17. Chanel didn't have her cell phone on (curses!) so I drove to Red River looking for them. After that I just left for home and had to sleep down here since my sheets are in the wash.

I was squeezing this rubber ball filled with water and sparkles, when it of course ruptured and proceeded to soak my digital camera, minidisc player, keyboard, palm pilot, one of my speakers, and half my desk. According to this post, there doesn't seem to be much damage to the keyboard, aside from it being marginally more sparkle filled than before, and I don't think anything else incurred much damage either.

I feel sick because my mom's been trying to find the perfect cookie recipe, and I have to be the judge for her. This grapfruit pop is my own fault, though.

Well, I cleaned up quite a bit, I think I'm gonna play some more Grandia 2.

Listening to... Static-X - Push It
Link of the moment... Man, I grew up on this stuff. Seriously, it taught me how to spell 'kerosene' for my grade six spelling bee.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I wonder...

I have a lot of time to philosophize (albeit terribly shallow) whilst listening to the tantalizing soft rock of Magic 99.9. I think back to hearing on after school specials, "Be yourself! Don't try to be what everyone else wants you to be!", but at the same time, I recall the general advice to not be an asshole. What if I'm an asshole? What if I was born to be an asshole, and am destined to live a life of assholity? I am who I am, but it doesn't seem to be working for me.

I realize now that the people who get anywhere in life are the ones who people like, and the assertive. I am neither. No matter how many degrees I get, no matter how immaculately I try to live, I'm still going to be a few rungs lower on the occupational ladder than the assertive people that everyone likes. Sure, I could try to have more people like me, or I could try to be more assertive, but it's just not who I am, it's not in my nature.

What should I believe? That people who don't swear in public or stay up late on weekdays and say their pleases and thank yous will make it far in life? Cause that's not bloody true.

I think I might want to have another party here; I haven't seen a lot of people lately. I'm not sure if I'd rather just have people over, or get another LAN party going. However, I realize that after most parties, I regret them in retrospect. Parties make my friends happy, but they usually leave me somewhat less happy afterwards.

Listening to... Burt Bacharach/Stylistics - You'll Never Get to Heaven
Link of the moment... To pirate or not to pirate...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Waiting for supper

Another fun day at work today. Good times. Sometimes I wonder if it's really worth the $63/day that I don't spend, but then I realize that one day when I want to buy something big, I'll be able to.

Did you know that Electronic Arts takes co-op students? I'd love to do that. Of course, I'm not saying that I'm going to transfer into co-op (I could never let G be the only pathetic mathie around), I'm just saying if I was in co-op, I'd be on that resume like a hooker on smack. EA has offices in BC and Montreal, and Ubisoft has a head office in Montreal too. Please reply if you can think of any North American game companies. I like to look at the job offerings to see if there's anything I could see doing when I get out of school.

I bought Runaway Jury and Matchstick Men for $8 each at Blockbuster today during lunch. When I got back to St. Pats, all the doors were locked, and eventually I had to resort to going under the fence in the back to get back to work.

I've been thinking about getting a mod chip type deice for my PS2. Piracy is bad though. But, seeing as how I buy all my movies and games second-hand, do the game companies even get any of my money? Not bloody likely. Really, the game companies would make more money by me renting the games to burn them, cause then I'm supporting Blockbuster, who in turn supports the game industry. Man, I love skewing logic, it's fun.

Grandia 2 is being a bitch to me. Quite a few people seem to have troubles with the PC version. The music is screwed up, and I'm fighting a battle where you're supposed to get killed by a certain attack, but the boss won't use it on me! I remember why I don't like that game...I love the battle system, I like the graphics, and everything else, but the main character is an ASSHOLE! I hate him, and refuse to see the story through his jerkass eyes! Plus, the voice acting is atrocious. Most of the actors put next to no emotion in the lines.

Listening to... Incubus - 11AM
Link of the moment... Def'n for Incubus

Monday, July 19, 2004

Alright, but just ONE post!

I think I'm gonna call it a night earlier today than most nights. Mind you, if I keep with this blog for half an hour, then it really won't be much earlier at all.

Well folks, it happened. I beat Final Fantasy. That game is so damned unbalanced it's not funny. The fighter classes are exponentially better than the mage classes. The only thing they're good for is making the fighter classes slightly better. So, that leaves FF2, FF3, FF4 (which should be completed in a week or so), and FF6. This is cool, I'm such a nerd. I think once I finish FF4, I'm going to play Grandia 2 for a while, since I finally got it working on my computer. There's no way you can get those graphics on a PS2 and a television.

Wired Play had free testing from 5-10 over the weekend, but I heard about it Sunday afternoon and already had plans. Man, I really wish I could have gone. Well, that's the price you pay for being a good friend. I was Vicky's salvation from her brother's work party. The kids and I jammed as well, we were sounding pretty good with the amp that Turner bought. I just wish Chris could hit the notes a little deadlier when he sings. His aim is a bit off.

I can't believe how little work Paul actually does. What a kid. And he makes more than me. I don't think I'll take that job again next year. It's really getting tedious, and I know I'm meant for something better. I think I'll at least apply at Nortec, even though they sold out and only sell Dells. There's gotta be another place that sells custom systems in town. Maybe I should start my own mini-business that makes and sells custom systems. Maybe I could do shift work at Blockbuster...nah, then I'd have to work late, and on weekends too. Plus, they do inventory once a month, and that means staying up almost all night.

Well, it's just about a month and a half until I leave for school again. I'm half looking forward to it. That'll mean no more work, but it also means assignments and marks. It means peace and quiet, but it means living alone. It means greeting new friends, but saying goodbye to old ones. Overall, I guess it means change.

Trivia for the night:
Did you know that brackets actually refer to the symbols [ & ]? ( & ) are actually called parentheses, and { & } are braces. I learned that from my drum teacher about six years ago.

Listening to... Green Day - In the End
Link of the moment... I think I'll go see some plays this year...

Friday, July 16, 2004

MAME-y goodness

Well, I don't feel much like posting, but I've got nothing better to do than wait. Supposedly, I'm going to Galaxy Lanes tonight. Let's hope I don't work up too much of a bill. Having fun can be expensive sometimes, eh?

I bought two pairs of pants at the Salvation Army today. I'm deciding if I should keep them the way they are or use my unholy tailoring skills to turn them into cool long shorts, or "Shpants", as Turner would call them.

As we speak, I'm downloading my weight's worth in arcade games. Most of them are crap from 1980-1990, but I'm hoping to collect a few gems in the net, like Marvel vs. Capcom, and Metal Slug 3. If I ever do get a home theatre PC going, it will be awesome to see all these games on a huge screen. Oh, why is the future so far away?

I went to the dentist yesterday after work, and I'm going to have to go get a cavity filled (only my second). It seems like the harder I try to keep my teeth healthy, the worse off they get. Probably a conspiracy of some sort.

I racked up a bill of about $150 US at ebgames the other day, but those are tentative dollars. That is, if I could buy all the reasonably priced used games that I wanted from the site, that's how much they would all cost. Yesterday all used games were 20% off, but that probably just about covers the shipping anyways. Besides, illegal ownership of games is so much more fun and gratifying.

Hey, I wanna give a shout out to my Waterloo homies who are reading my blog. Good for you (both of you). G, you gotta hook me up with some sort of game list or something, cause if you can get me games cheap, I shall most likely take you up on the offer.

Apparently Mr. Math Dean wants me to be a teaching assistant. If it's 3 hours a week, for 12 weeks, at $500-$750, that works out to $14-$20/hour. Of course, it is probably realistically about 5 hours a week, and I'm already overloading, so I think I'll pass on it for at least this term. I really don't need money anyways, and they'll likely have more TAs for first year courses than they'll know what to do with. If I pass any other math courses with a 85+ this upcoming year, I might decide to TA, especially if I drop out of my double degree (but this is all speculation).

Listening to... Incubus - Privelege
Link of the moment... MAME

Monday, July 12, 2004

Kevin doesn't understand Microeconomics

So much to write about, so little recollection of it all.

Yesterday, Phil, Vic and I went to see Spiderman 2, then watched Return of the King, and then went out for Chinese food. I think I'm gonna say I'm not too impressed with the movie.

*** SPOILERS ***
I guess I'm just too much of a purist to the Spiderman cartoon. It seems that in this movie, Doc Ock dies, and everyone and their dog knows who Spiderman is. Peter gets the girl at the end of the movie, is at peace with who he is, and is generally happy. I loved how at the end of Spiderman, I felt bad for Peter Parker because being a hero was a burden to him. I don't know what direction S3 will take with the current plot, but I'm sure as a technically impressive and overall action-packed movie.

I feel like I have no time since I started work. I guess you can see that in the diminished frequency of my blog posts. Getting off at 4 and going to bed at 10 just doesn't seem to leave enough time to dick around and do nothing. I admit, having too much time to do nothing can get boring, but I'll take that over this anyday. Especially now that I don't have a friggen clue what I'm doing in ECON. I hope Vlad is keeping up, cause otherwise this won't be a good midterm for me.

The sidewalk sale at the mall is very disappointing this year. I was hoping to spend around $150 on new wardrobe, but I only spent $70 on three pairs of shorts and two cds. I picked up Punk-o-rama 9 and Thornley. Both are well worth the $10 I spent on each. I was really hoping to pick up some boxsets, but the only good ones (Simpsons season 4, Family Guy Seasons 1 and 2) didn't get any sort of decent deal, so I'll just wait until they're both in the 2 for $80 category. I purchased Joy Ride and Pulp Fiction for a total of ~$20 on eBay.

I wish I could get my hands on some good games. I was gonna buy Sonic Heroes, but the PS2 version didn't get a very decent score from Gamespot. It's probably the best game ever, and I'm missing out on it because I'm basing the purchase solely on someone else's opinion. Well, perhaps I should just rent a game whenever I feel like playing one. Nah, I'd like to boost my game repetoire.

I'm so utterly confused by Economics, so I think I'm going to have to go over most of the lectures over again, and perhaps pay attention and take notes this time. Maybe the textbook can tell me whatever the hell I'm supposed to know.

Listening to... Death By Stereo - The Plague (Live)
Link of the moment... Another great webcomic, mostly game oriented

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Before I forget,

I think that the main villain (or one of the main villains) in Spiderman 3 should be the Lizard, and Dr. Connors/Lizard should be played by Bruce Campbell, of Army of Darkness fame. He played the ring announcer in the first Spiderman (in the wrestling scene). I don't know why, it would just be cool. Plus, fans would appreciate the fact that both characters (Connors and Ash) are missing an arm. He's also already got connection with Sam Raimi.

/Spiderman nerd
/Watching Spiderman 2 on Sunday

Listening to... AFI - Story at Three
Link of the moment...

Monday, July 05, 2004

God bless America!

Man, time flies when it's filled with stuff. I can't believe the last time I posted was Thursday. I'm sure that all one of you have been disappointed in the lapse between posts.

I've been seeing a lot of Phil lately, and I'm not sick of him yet. Weird. Video games are fun. Phil and I tried going to Ashley's for Canada Day, but no one was there. Turner's car was there, but he was not. So, we played old skool games. We beat two games, Sunset Riders and TMNT: Hyperstone Heist.

Veebs and I rented Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter. IMHO (in my humble opinion), R&C is better, but what can I say, I was slightly biased before I rented them. He kept J&D while I just finished a bit of R&C. We'll probably switch Wednesday or so to keep it fair. I might buy R&C, but I honestly have way too many games to play anyways. I just figure I should boost my game collection to incorporate more than just RPGs. Poor Turner only has FFX to borrow.

I think I caught my dad's killer cold. My throat is the worst victim, but I've done more than my fair share of sneezing lately too (although the immense amount of dust at work may also be to blame for that).

I've been thinking lately about what to do with my money. Should I spend it on trivial things now (second hard drive, DVDs, games), or save up for bigger things when I move out (car, new computer, LCD projector)? Perhaps a balance is best.

Oh man, this economics is NOT getting itself done at all. I haven't done a stitch of it for what must be a week and a half.

Well, time for a shower. Definitely time for a shower.

Listening to... New Bomb Turks - At Rope's End
Link of the moment... The Rots (Turner's Band) - Strength in Numbers (Right click, save as...)

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I feel like such a kid again...

Nothing quite makes you feel young like eating KD and hot dogs, then beating a super nintendo game iwth your buddy in the basement. Just damn awesome.

Phil slept over, and Gen and Turner came over last night too. Fun times. I heard two more songs from the Rots that are going on their next cd, but I still ike the first one best (I don't know the name). Phil and I beat Sunset Riders, and next time he spends the night we're gonna beat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Genesis. I was gonna burn a cd for Phil with all the roms I have, but all of NES, SNES, and Sega won't fit on one cd! That' not even including GBA and N64. I think next I'm gonna download MAME (ie all the old school arcade games -- infinite quarters) and then my collection will be pretty damn complete. Of course, I'll have to buy a DVD-RW to give a copy to all my friends (or at least the ones with DVD ROMs.

That was a hefty paragraph.

Today is Canada Day, and I guess I'm going to Ashley's house. Can't say I really want to go all that much, but I guess I don't have anything that much better to do. Besides, Phil needs a ride, and I'm his bitch.

Final Fantasy is still hard. If I had started on Easy mode, then my mages would have about 30 magic points for the first level, whereas that only have 8 right now. But now, not many of you care.

I've still been thinking a lot about what I would put in my perfect RPG if I decided to make one. Maybe one day, for a project or something, I can make one. I'd really like to learn how to program in C++ though, since I don't wanna do it all in Java. C++ is better for making software, I think.

Well, back to not much.

Listening to...
Link of the moment... The liiiiiink