Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Plugging G (Ew, not THAT way!)

"With the Federal election upon us, maybe it's a good idea to look at that childhood rule we all know...
Always look left AND right before you cross the street." (In reference to left- and right-wing standpoints)


Well played G, well played. That brought a tear to my eye.

I will say this now: I am not a political person, in the sense that I don't follow politics. I didn't vote yesterday, because I knew next to nothing about the candidates/parties and their policies. Maybe next year I'll be motivated enough to make an educated vote, but I didn't wanna make a blind choice this year.

While I'm not really a fan of politics, I am a fan of logic. I love logic. I'm in math/computer science, which is really the study of patterns and logic. I wish everyone would weigh every decision they make (even though I'll admit I make a LOT of decisions without thinking...).

Now before people start flaming me on MSN, I'll say what I have to say so often. I'm not talking about you. I'm not saying my friends are illogical. Humans are. So, I guess I am talking about you, because you're a human.

*realizes he's gone astray from his point*

Don't let people decide how you think and act. Don't act on behalf of your 'wing'. Weigh every decision as if every decision you've made in the past hasn't happened. Make sure you know and weigh every side of an argument, especially the ones that are rarely mentioned or argued, because sometimes they're the most important ones.

*Waits for Vicky to once again point out some flaw in my argument, or overly offensive comment that I've made*

Listening to... AFI - At a Glance
Link of the moment... XXX! HOT PLUGGING ACTION!

Sunday, June 27, 2004

All work and more play makes Kevin a something something....

Please tell me that it's Friday night. I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow morning. How do normal people do it?

I don't have any short term purchases that I want to save my work money for, so I guess I'll start saving up for a car or apartment when I'm done university. Mind you, I will have to splurge on the occasional video game or DVD. I know that between July 9th and 18th, I'm gonna spend at least a hundred or so dollars on new clothes. That's when the sidewalk sale is on. Considering the fact that I have to struggle to button up the pants I'm wearing right now, I think I should invest in some more 32's.

I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy today. No matter how much I level up, it's STILL damned hard. That game will be so fun to play on easy mode, when I finish it first on normal.

I downloaded RPG Maker 2003. I have used both RPGM95 and RPGM2k3, and each version adds so much more to the one before it. Overall, though, there's still lots of room for improvement, but I'm not about to prgram a game using that platform anyways, so it's of no real concern to me.

Whenever I play RPG's, I always find at least a few ways to improve the ability systems. The more I think about it, the less it makes sense that I enjoy playing RPGs. Really, how fun is it to just click on words in menus, and then watch little sprites swing swords in the air to watch what number will pop up next to the enemy. But, I still derive some pleasure from it all, so I'll keep playing.

I've been thinking about how I would structure my dream RPG if I did have the time, imagination, commitment, and fan base to make one. I've got a few good ideas so far, if I do say so myself. Maybe one day, I'll be able to put it all to good use, and maybe even I'll wind up doing it in a professional sense...a degree in computer science could easily lead to game design.

Listening to... Iron Maiden - The Evil That Men Do
Link of the moment... I have trouble finding good links

Friday, June 25, 2004

Please, PLEASE tell me it's September.

I don't know how much longer I can keep up with the rigors of my job. I've been exhausted every day after work this week, and it's just the first week.

Stacey's gone to St. Martin's on Monday, so there's not nearly as much ass to dream about while on the job anymore. Just mine and the custodians'. She left today at about 3:15, so I decided to grab another computer before taking off for home. I was actually freaked out, cause I was walking down the dark, silent 500 wing by myself, accompanied only by the squeak of the cart, and the thought of a beast of infinite evil bursting forth from a locker to feed on my poor virginal body. So I played Solitaire instead.

I made up and wrote down a song last night. I can't wait to hear how it sounds with people actually playing it. Each individual part sounds good, but I haven't heard them all together yet.

After beating FF7 and FF9, I've decided to have a go at beating (nearly) every game in the series. I'm about halfway through FF4, it's what I play every morning before work to wake me up. Adam bought me FF Origins (1 & 2) for my birthday, so those will probably be next. I have a save partway through FF5, and I've been wanting to give FF6 another playthrough. I hate FF8, and I already beat FF10. That just leaves FF3 with it's horrid NES graphics. Then, my plan shall be complete, muahahahah!

I'm such a nerd.

Listening to... Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused
Link of the moment... FFOnline

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Turtle crossing the street? Odd.

Why did the turtle cross the street? To get to the other side, or to commit suicide, who knew. I think the little trooper made it across.

Wow, I haven't posted inthree days. That's work for you. I barely even check to see if I have any new comments, since 8 hours of my day are full now. I'd check at work, but blogger is blocked by the filter there.

I think Stacey has a boyfriend. Not that I was really all that serious about asking her out, but a boy can dream can't he? Oh well, she's still very easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean. Give me something to look at while I'm working, and detract from the suicidal thoughts I get after lugging monitors up staircases.

Well, I don't want to keep Phil waiting at work, I told him I'd pick him up. I guess I'll post the next time I get some time alone at the computer.

Listening to... Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Link of the moment... There's a link for you

Monday, June 21, 2004

"Kevin has a crush" post #38

The other student who is working with the school board for the summer -- Stacey -- is working at St. Pats with me for the next week or so, so we can get the old systems out of the classrooms ASAP. Unfortunately, she seems to actually show up at 8:30 and leave at 4:00. At least she's a fan of taking long lunches (but don't tell Kaarlo!).

She's done third year taking Music Education at Western (so I guess she's two years older than me), has a brother who was in CBC's "Band Camp" and that's about all I know. Oh, and she smells pretty. (Of course, I know more about her, after hanging out for 6 hours today, but this is a blog, not a personals ad) For some reason, I stank of an unmentionably stench today. I don't know where it came from, I wasn't sweating much, and my sweat doesn't even smell like that.

So I should say now, I work until 4 on weekdays, so no need to call me before then.

I had an expensive lunch. I parked at a meter in such a way that I knew which meter I was parked at, but for some reason forgot to put money in. So, as I'm eating my meal at the Golden Wok, I see some guy with a funky machine standing next to my car. Well, that added ten dollars (and fifteen minutes of finding 500 Donald St. East) to my lunch tab. I feel like such a felon. Well, I just think of it as a contribution to the government.

Listening to... At the Drive In - Hulahoop Wounds
Link of the moment... Shit, does this sound like me?

Saturday, June 19, 2004

'm on a roll!

Final Fantasy 7 has been beaten. But, since Squaresoft made such a HORRID port to PC, it froze up during the end movies. Shame.

I spent six hours today helping Veebs set up his computer. Goddam SATA HDDs and Windows XP. Damn them to hell. I think that more than makes up the $5 that Veebs cut me a deal on for the speakers I'm getting.

Chicken Caesar salad is pretty good. Why did the most famous Roman Emperor have a garlic salad dressing named after him?

Listening to... Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue
Link of the moment... Oh. That makes sense.

Just do it.

Wow, I've been posting like a madman lately, eh? Tonight I went to a spaghetti dinner with Turner at some church. We sat with some friend of Turner's (Camilla) and her friend. We were at the margarine table. It took me a while to get some juice, but I got some eventually. The cake was really good too. THe actual pasta itself was pretty fat.

The girl that we were sitting with (Sarah? Susan? Can't recall) was pretty quiet. After a while, we got to talking, and from what I know, she was in the IB program at Churchill (IIRC) and was on the debate team in grades 9-11. I wish I could have gotten her number or email. I'm always complaining about how I never meet any girls anywhere, and when I finally meet one that seems more than halfway decent, I blow it. Well, I just wish we had gotten to talking earlier in the dinner. I think my common sense would have taken over my fear, but asking for someone's personal information after talking for only 5 minutes seems too forward to me.

So, I suppose I'll start doing things like spaghetti dinners somewhat more regularly. Good way to meet people. Camilla's a real hoot too. She had some good inane comments throughout the night. Camilla quote: "I'm so full, my stomach feels as small as.......a small stomach."

Tomorrow I'm helping Veebs build his computer. Joy! I hope I don't destroy it. That could be expensive. I think I might be jealous when it's all put together.

I finally beat Final Fantasy 9 today! I can't recall very well, but I think the last game (at least last RPG) that I beat was Breath of Fire 3, and that was a long time ago. I think FF7 will finally have to be defeated. The end of the game is the most boring, whereas the beginning is by far my favourite part.

The more I think about it, the more I figure I could program the basics of FFTactics in Java. Not that I will, I just realize not much of that game is complicated. It's very mathematical.

Listening to... Led Zeppelin - Since I've been Loving You
Link of the moment... Baseball covered with 18,000 coats of paint

Friday, June 18, 2004

Kevin the Tomato: Reloaded

Ouch. I went golfing today with Adam, surprised to find a severe lack of sunscreen in my golf bag. Grant must have thieved it from me. Luckily my arms didn't burn much at all, but my neck was not as fortunate. It hurts, but what can ya do? So long as I keep the lotion lathered thick, I should be able to live to see another golf game.

Well, I start fulltime work on Monday, and I have no idea how I'm going to wake up before 8 AM. Well, so long as I'm on time for the first week, I'll be fine. Then I can start showing up at 9:30 again.

.:Public service announcement:.
Do not go to the golf dome on a warm and/or sunny day.
.:This message brought to you by Kevin's sweaty back:.

Listening to... Anti-Flag - Indie sucks, Hardline sucks, Emo sucks, you suck
Link of the moment... A handy little program I found, kudos goes to Laura Bradbury (from Waterloo)

Thursday, June 17, 2004


E-mail to Michael Moore, out of pure boredom:

"Hello Michael. My name is Kevin, and I’m a proud Canadian. I’ll admit I haven’t seen many of your films, but I think I’d still like to make a suggestion for you.

You see, quite a few people complain about how Bush is not an adequate leader for your country. Now, the way I figure, the best way to get nowhere is to complain. Well, unless you turn it into an informative movie and make money from it, then I suppose it gets you somewhere. Regardless, an even better plan of action is to try to change the things you don’t like. So, I figure you should run for president. Not only would you be taking an active role in making the USA a better country, but everyone who agrees with you, or even those who simply disagree with Bush and Kerry as well.

So please, for the benefit of the rest of the country, and to save a poor Canadian from having his manipulable friends regurgitate facts as hearsay from a movie they saw.

To finish, I’d like to quote Mark Twain. There are lies, Damned lies and statistics.

Kevin J."

Appendum 1: If you dare get insulted because you think I'm calling you manipulable, then FUCK OFF unless you see your name anywhere in the above message. I have plenty of friends, and a majority are not so easily persuaded.
Appendum 2: Yeah, I know I can't make a valid opinion until I see a majority of his films, but I was bored anyways.

Listening to... Static-X - I Am
Link of the moment... Oh goody, a new film.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Here's a song for your mix tape...

2 AM Tuesday morning. I know I should get up "early" tomorrow to phone the school board about my job. Linda from Human Resources (that is, as opposed to Slug Resources or Zombie Resources...they're down the hall) left a message while I was out today. Plus, I have to finish up another 30 minutes of Economics, and then do an assignment worth 5%. Kinda funny, I was planning on getting module three done, and still have time to take notes from modules 1 and 2 before's not happening. Oh well, that's what cramming is for, ne?

The kids and I jammed yesterday and it sounded pretty good. Tape recordings never really sound that good, but I think if I put some actual thought into positioning the amplifiers around the recorder it would balance it out a bit better. I think I've gotten better at singing in the last two years or so, what with the practice and such. I think I can hit notes now that used to be out of my range.

I backed up about 5 or 6 hours of video on my computer again, and I've still got about another 3 hours to do. I think I'll check right now if it's good or all crappy-like. *checks* Yeah, I guess it sounds as decent as I could possibly sound in an echo-y gymnasium. One of these videos might be a little messed up, but at least some of them turned out right.

Today I went to see Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkabahn (sp?) with Vicky at 3 PM. I was on time in such a way that we had 30 minutes to kill in the theatre, so we played some six degrees of separation. Vicky suprisingly kicked my ASS at it. She got two, and I got none(*). It would be a better/harder game if I could think of more actors on the fly out of the blue. I still think that Emma Watson (AKA Hermione Granger) is (re: will be) super hot (re: when she's older).

*Appendum: Actually Vicky, when you said that Samuel L Jackson and Ben Affleck were in the Sum of All Fears, I'm sorry to say that you were sadly confusing Sammy for Morgan Freeman (unless Samuel has a minor role in the film). Hence, when I suggested Changing Lanes with Samuel L Jackson and Ben Affleck, I was technically the first to complete the chain, and therefore beat you. BWAHAHAHAHA! I'll beat you legitimately one day, you'll see.

Listening to... Me, Turner and Spencer playing Hatebreeders by the Misfits
Link of the moment... Pretty interesting experiment

Saturday, June 12, 2004

It's 11 you know where your kids are?

Well, 11 PM on a Saturday night, and here I am in my basement, alone. What does that mean? A visit to blog land!

The ants haven't moved out yet. Looks like they're leasing for at least another while. They hid long enough just to get my hopes up that they were all gone.

Last night, I was bored (re: lonely) enough to start leafing through the MSN profiles for all the girls in Thunder Bay. There was only one good one, but I didn't add her to my list or anything. Just lulled about it for a while. I know there's at least one perfect girl for me out there, but she's just so goddamned hard to find. I suppose if I sift through enough garbage, I'll have to find a rose, eventually.

I woke up at 1:30 and ate my first meal at about 7 PM. Probably not the healthiest thing I could have done, but who cares?

No Vicky, no Adam, not even anyone on MSN tonight. They're all out conspiring against me, I guess. At least I have my ants...

Well...I'm going to do more of nothing until the wee hours of the morning, when I'll fall asleep with feeling unloved.

Listening to... System of a Down - Soil
Link of the moment... Girls with beautiful smiles are awesome.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Either the ants are dead, or just biding their time...

I started kicking myself lastnight because I realized I neglected to notice a calculus section that I could go in. Seeing that makes my scheduling much easier. It looks like the schedule I may wind up with involves four hours of class starting at 8:30 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, which ends my day before 1 PM. Tuesdays and Thursdays have an hour and a half of economics in the morning and the same amount of computer science in the afternoon (I hate afternoon classes on relatively empty days).

I downloaded some Emo Philips shows last night, in mp3 form. Quite funny. I still haven't listened to the second one. I think I will now.

Man, old/classic Playstation games are hard to I'd like to get a hold of Legend of Mana, but the copies tend to get pricey on eBay. It would be great if they showed up some day at Cash Converters, but I may one day have to pay the atrocious $40 for it.

Listening to... Emo Philips
Link of the moment... Emo Philips

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

*sniff* Someone hold me...

I just watched the Wedding Singer. Man, I want love like in the movies. Where the bad guy gets his just desserts from Billy Idol, everyone supports you, and the guy always gets the girl in the end after a comical misconception or two. But movie love doesn't happen often. The boy and the girl don't live happily ever after, they break up. Or, maybe the girl doens't fall in love with the boy after a comical misconception.

I went to eat some BBQ-y goodness at Chris' house. I finally got to see Nora Ligro after a prolonged absence. Good times. My burger was quite deeeeeeelicious. I still have another one in his freezer which I shall prepare tomorrow at his house once again.

Gaddang cd burner is not mkaing me happy. As recommended by professionals, I tried using higher quality blank cds, and it worked. This all means that not only do I have to buy a new package of cds, I've got to buy relatively more expensive ones. Bummer.

I've started planning out my 2A term class schedule. They completely changed all the class times and locations, so it took me a while to re-compile all the classes I want to take. Looks like this upcoming term will include two maths, one statistics, a computer science, economics, and music to boost my mark. That's six courses, so I (obviously) don't need to take the music. However, for the boost to my mark, I think it might be worth the extra three hours a week (sigh). If this is my schedule for 2A, that means that my 2B will be three comp scis, and one stat and math each. That's a hardcore mathie term right there. I certainly hope that all this economics won't be in vain. It'll be a waste of my time, money, and mind power if I don't do the double major.

Is it even worth doing the double major? If I go back for a masters, it won't much matter if I have a bachelor's degree in something else. Oh well, at least I can brag for a while.

Listening to... Queens of the Stone Age - If Only
Link of the moment... I think I've read this a few dozen times now.

Haiku! *Bless you*

If you write Haiku
It doesn't make you clever
They're too damn easy

Haiku with rhyme schemes
Are much harder than they seem
But that's just a dream

If you will reply
Please do it in haiku form
But it's not required

Listening to... From Autumn to Ashes - Short Stories with Tragic Endings
Link of the moment... Yeah, I'm a dirty cheater. So what.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

If something happens to me, look to the ants.

Alright, I lied to you. I never washed my car, and I didn't make another post later that night. I should be hung by the toenails.

The ants are back, and they want vengeance for their fallen bretheren. Well, back to Canadian Tire for brand name Ant Rape. Get a few boxes of those around the houses, and then we'll see who's deathly scared of who!

Economics is...boring. Quite boring. For fun, let's list all the games I've played in the last two months, to the best of my recollection:

Chocobo's Dungeon 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy IX
Prince of Persia
Unreal Tournament
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Seiken Densetsu 3
Diablo 2

They're all very fun. I fully intend to finish FF9 to strike it off my list of things to do in my life, then hopefully I can take Chocobo's Duneon 2 off soon after. After that, just...way too many games to play. I love RPG's, did I tell you that? I wanna play at least half of those games to the end, and some of them more than once (due to replayability). I guess in about a year, Final Fantasy 12 will be out. That should be good, I'll probalby scoop it off shelves when it first comes out. My mom doesn't seem to understand that video games are a good pastime. Think about it, in the same time, I could be selling cocaine to high school kids! Thank you for saving my life, video games!

I think I'm gonna go purchase those ant traps and a microphone (of course for a completely unrelated matter...). Eh, I'm sure one of these days I'll clean my car.

Listening to... Blindside - Where the Sun Never Dies
Link of the moment... Make sure you get your games back before you break up, it might be a rare game one day.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

The willful suspension of men's briefs

Must concentrate...
too many MSN conversations...

There are a lot of people who have asked me why we don't hang out. My best reply is that I just never do anything. Well, anything exciting that is. I really do just enjoy staying in and doing boring things. Watching tv, movies, boxsets, and playing video games. I'm cheap, and I'm lazy. I'd love to see more of the friends I don't see much of, I just don't want to invite them to do nothing.

I played golf the other day, shot a 109, which is terrible, but good for me. Actually, on that note, I'm going to go clean the bird defecate off of my car while it's still nice out. Another post will follow soon, hopefully.

Listening to... At the Drive-In (playlist)
Link of the moment... Rather entertaining, beats the penguin game

Friday, June 04, 2004

Kevin the tomato

I went gofling with Adam, Turner, and Phil yesterday. It was great weather for it. I wish we could have gotten out earlier, to play the full 18, but I'm glad we could even get together for the afternoon, what with schedules and such. I seem to be getting better at golf. I played a 55 this nine, which is a bit better than I did last time at Municipal, I think.

I got a cheery burn on my shoulders and neck, but it wasn't bad enough to the point of pain. I should have a nice little tanned patch there now. Now if only I could play golf shirtless...that would be a nice tan. Nice and painful.

I Febreezed up my couches and car today. Let's see if it works, eh?

So far, I've called the last four playoff games correctly. If my next one is right, the Flames will be winning the cup tomorrow night.

I talked to Christina today for a while. She asked why we never hang out. I didn't think she actually cared at all. Maybe I'm more popular than I give myself credit for? Well, I wanna see her soon, but I gotta find something interesting to do first.

Listening to... Hoobastank - From the Heart
Link of the moment... Ohhhhhhh....there's one e in Febreze. Well, actually there are three

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

It's June, I'll tell you WHat

That's "WHat" as in how Hank Hill says it. It's fun. Sorry for not posting in a while Kevin, I've just been busy.

I did my ECON midterm and got perfect, so BOOYAH! I'm still screwed for the non open-book final.

Today I lived my recent dream of just walking around town. Sheena went with me, and we parked at the Marina and vacationed downtown.

First we looked atht Prince Arthur Hotel, and some fancy looking bar and grill. I opted to buy a hot dog off the street vendor though. It was quite the wait for the grilled meat, but it was pretty good with catsup and onions.

We then proceeded to look in Hill City. Man, I never knew they had THAT much anime for rental. No copies of The Slayers though. They had Slayers: TRY! for sale, but it was more expensive than my entire 78 episode set from eBay. Then we went to the casino, wasting two dollars each on the nickel slots. I made out with four dollars which I put towards cheesecake for the two of us, and Sheena lost it all like a sucker. I saw Na(than Hewitson (argh! Hewitson! >:( ) at the restaurant. [Note: for those of us just joining us, Hewitson is a jerk debater who placed higher than the rest of the Thunder Bay crew, even though he did not take debating seriously at all. Stupid judges. Hewitson! Grr...]

I took a picture in the casino, and then I just about got indited for it. Who knew they didn't want you taking pictures in casinos? Well, whatever. I robbed them of two dollars.

Magnus doesn't have any plays going on for the rest of the summer. I was really hoping to see one, students only pay $12 for any show! Looks like I won't be able to catch any of the ones next season either, since when I'm home from school, Magnus is between plays. Oh well, maybe I can find a theatre in K-W.

After Magnus, it was a mad dash for the car, after stopping to admire a train passing under the overpass. Now, here I am at my computer with a sore shoulder, stinky feet, and....well, just a sore shoulder and stinky feet.

Listening to... Blindside - Eye of the Storm
Link of the moment... Magnus Theatre