Plugging G (Ew, not THAT way!)
Always look left AND right before you cross the street." (In reference to left- and right-wing standpoints)
Well played G, well played. That brought a tear to my eye.
I will say this now: I am not a political person, in the sense that I don't follow politics. I didn't vote yesterday, because I knew next to nothing about the candidates/parties and their policies. Maybe next year I'll be motivated enough to make an educated vote, but I didn't wanna make a blind choice this year.
While I'm not really a fan of politics, I am a fan of logic. I love logic. I'm in math/computer science, which is really the study of patterns and logic. I wish everyone would weigh every decision they make (even though I'll admit I make a LOT of decisions without thinking...).
Now before people start flaming me on MSN, I'll say what I have to say so often. I'm not talking about you. I'm not saying my friends are illogical. Humans are. So, I guess I am talking about you, because you're a human.
*realizes he's gone astray from his point*
Don't let people decide how you think and act. Don't act on behalf of your 'wing'. Weigh every decision as if every decision you've made in the past hasn't happened. Make sure you know and weigh every side of an argument, especially the ones that are rarely mentioned or argued, because sometimes they're the most important ones.
*Waits for Vicky to once again point out some flaw in my argument, or overly offensive comment that I've made*
Listening to... AFI - At a Glance
Link of the moment... XXX! HOT PLUGGING ACTION!