Games and atheism...and atheist games.
Now first of all, I gotta say I'm a Penny Arcade fan, but I don't tend to take the authors' word as gospel. Still, I get a lot of first hand gamer opinions on there.
Regardless, Gabe mentioned a game called Shadow Hearts 2, so I looked it up on Gamespot (something I do when I'm bored), and it turns out it looks awesome! I'd like to play it one day, but alas! Here I am, purchasing games left right and centre, sluffing aside my studies. I've gotta pull my rhetorical socks up after I got these midterms back.
Gabe also said that LotR: Third Age is "essentially Final Fantasy X set in the LOTR universe", which is to me a good thing. FFX's system was easy, fun, addicting, and goddam if it didn't just plain old look nice. It was fluent and natural.
I really just want to play games with Phil. I want to live with someone who will actually watch me play a game, or play games interesting enough worth watching. Games are all about the story and coolness factor nowadays, and I hate watching movies alone just as much. No one to share the experience with.
I bought $40 worth of Halloween candy and Coke. Time to get this party started.
Sometimes I wonder if some people are atheist just because it's the posh thing to do. All the cool kids are doing it nowadays. Just like being alternative is posh, which really goes against the definition of alternative. Well whatever, if it's conformist to believe in what you want to believe in, then call me a big fat conformist.
Post Mortum: I decided to add a picture for lack of anything better to do. Here's my facial hair thus far, it's very disturbing and I advise you to not let your children see this picture. (let's see if I post it right on the first try! *nope, second*)
Listening to... Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Link of the moment... No, my worsening grades are because I'm a moron.
Regardless, Gabe mentioned a game called Shadow Hearts 2, so I looked it up on Gamespot (something I do when I'm bored), and it turns out it looks awesome! I'd like to play it one day, but alas! Here I am, purchasing games left right and centre, sluffing aside my studies. I've gotta pull my rhetorical socks up after I got these midterms back.
Gabe also said that LotR: Third Age is "essentially Final Fantasy X set in the LOTR universe", which is to me a good thing. FFX's system was easy, fun, addicting, and goddam if it didn't just plain old look nice. It was fluent and natural.
I really just want to play games with Phil. I want to live with someone who will actually watch me play a game, or play games interesting enough worth watching. Games are all about the story and coolness factor nowadays, and I hate watching movies alone just as much. No one to share the experience with.
I bought $40 worth of Halloween candy and Coke. Time to get this party started.
Sometimes I wonder if some people are atheist just because it's the posh thing to do. All the cool kids are doing it nowadays. Just like being alternative is posh, which really goes against the definition of alternative. Well whatever, if it's conformist to believe in what you want to believe in, then call me a big fat conformist.
Post Mortum: I decided to add a picture for lack of anything better to do. Here's my facial hair thus far, it's very disturbing and I advise you to not let your children see this picture. (let's see if I post it right on the first try! *nope, second*)

Listening to... Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Link of the moment... No, my worsening grades are because I'm a moron.
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