Please let me regale you with tales of my happenings.
I'm getting pretty sick of pizza. I had some Friday, while we were watching the Manchurian Candidate (which, by the way, I was not too thrilled by due to the fact that I'm usually too lazy to actually try to keep up with plot twists in psychological thrillers), I ordered a medium pepperoni for myself last night (to avoid the nauseating chicken korma that was being served in the cafeteria), and today for lunch they had -- yes, you guessed it -- pizza. I think I've had enough to last me for a while.
I got ahead in most of my classes, and that prompted me to stop working -- I simply had no work to do. So, I started playing FFT. I'm at the end of chapter 2, trying to fight the first Zodiac boss. I put in codes to give them twice as much health, and it shows. Bosses should be long endurance battles, I think. Anyways, I haven't done much work in the last four or five days, so I'm trying to get a lot accomplished today. I'm halfway through my Math 239 assignment, and that's not even due until Friday.
Perhaps I'll make my weekend nice and free so I can look at apartments...gotta find a place to live next year after all. Of course, I gotta find people to live with as well, and that's gonna be harder than finding a place. It'll be nice to have a computer desk that's made for a computer, a full fridge filled with hearty, healthy meals at my very whim, a screen hopefully larger than 20" for which to watch movies and play games, a washroom that is cleaned regularly and houses one person at a time, a closet with ample room for storing clothes...ah, it'll be nice.
I was playing counterstrike the other day and found myself playing with a Samurai Pizza Cats clan, completely by chance. Man, there's a counterstrike clan for everything. For some reason, my computer gets a loooooot of laaaag whenever there's a map change, so I had to keep leaving the servers and joining another.
I love RPGs. I really wish I could make one, but time and time again I'm reminded that there are companies that hire hundreds of employees with expertise in specialized fields of computing and game design that make games that I consider inferior. There may be a slight chance that I could mimic the gameply of Final Fantasy Tactics (and improve upon any aspects I feel need improvement), but there's no way I would be able to recreate the amazing graphics -- the spell effects, the sprites, the map, I don't even know how to do decent GUIs in java.
You can skip this paragraph if you don't care about my crazy game design ideas. I think if I were to make a SRPG like FFT (which I hope to one day), I would make the battlegrounds hexagonal rather than...squarical. It would make movement a little more realistic and versatile, and it would allow for superior blocking and strategy. It would be harder to code and would need a lot more sprites, but it would be so much cooler...I think D&D and other 'pen n paper' RPGs use hexagons for movement, but I might just be making that up.
You can skip this paragraph too for that matter, it's just that multiple paragraphs are a good habit to keep. I've been thinking about writing a bit lately too, like a storyline, character bios...just sorta make my own atmosphere and really relish in it, and sort of roleplay all the characters at once. Now if I could draw and colour, I'd be set. It might be fun to do some pen and paper rpgs with my friends, some would go for it. I've been debating gameplay versus graphics for a while, and they're both very important in their own regards. I'm not sure if my imagination is good enough to compensate for sprites and sword swipes.
In non-nerd related news, by wiper blades are fucked. They got iced over, and I thought I chipped all the ice away, but one of the blades got stuck and somehow the opposite blade lost its rubber and metal rods. I tried wiping, and it was like someone running their nails down a chalkboard. That's another trip to Canadian Tire and about $50.
One of my favourite bands of all time, Snapcase, is playing their last show in Buffalo on the 21st. After fourteen years, the band is calling it quits. Now one of the only two bands that I like that tour through Thunder Bay aren't gonna be touring there anymore.... I remember the first time I saw them was the greatest concert I've ever been at. The lead singer actually put the microphone up to my mouth cause I was screaming the lyrics along with him! Oh man, what a show...
Listening to...
Snapcase - Killing Yourself to Live
Link of the moment...
Some really, really cool wallpapers (1024*768)